Thursday 22 January 2015

Interior design with vastu shastra (Vaastu Shastra & Interior Design)

Interior Design is a profession concerned with anything that is found inside a space - walls, windows, doors, finishes, textures, light, furnishings and furniture. All of these elements are used by interior designers to develop a functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing space for a building's user.
Vaastu Shastra makes us live in harmony with nature taking advantage of the five basic elements of nature i.e earth, water, fire, air and space and  receiving  the blessing of the Gods of the directions.
Many a times following the rules of Vaastu Shastra 100% in a structure / construction of Building such as hotels, corporate spaces, schools, hospitals, private residences, shopping malls, restaurants, theaters, and airport terminals may not be possible. Planning the Interiors with the Vaastu is the option to it. By making arrangements of furniture, accessories, lighting in all designing the internal of the building as per  Vaastu Shastra can open the doors of the prosperity, health, wealth and overall happiness.
As we know every room has their eight directions again, so one must be aware of the facts to design the rooms in such a manner that internally it should follow the rules of Vaastu Shastra.

The best location for the kitchen is the South-East corner of any building as per Vaastu Shastra but many a times due to scarcity of land in the urban life to have a kitchen in South-East may not be possible like if the entrance of the house is from east or South, then the kitchen may be shifted to the North - West corner of the house. In this situation the internal layout of the kitchen with the help of interior designing can be changed so as to follow the Vaastu.

  • The cooking platform should be towards eastern sidewall of the kitchen, as good results can be achieved when one faces east while cooking.
  • The sink should be in the North-East corner of the kitchen.
  • The slope of the water flow should be from South-West towards North - East.
  • The cylinder should be placed in the South-East corner.
  • The Geyser should be installed either in the South - East corner or the South wall.
  • The electronic gadgets should be placed on the Southern platform.
  • The storage for all the food grains, utensils, the over head almirah should always be on the Southern and the western walls and not on the Northern and the Eastern walls.
  • The exhaust fan should be installed either in the North - West corner or the South wall.

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